Monday 17 November 2014

Damian, Ella and Laura Visit

Today Damian McKenzie, Ella Hall, Laura McVicar and Mrs McKenzie came and visited Team Kea.  
Team Kiwi joined us.  Laura, Ella and Damian went to Edendale Primary School.  Damian is now a Junior All Black, Laura is training to be a teacher and Ella is at Victoria University.  Damian's goal is to be an All Black.  They all said the work you do at school is cool.  It was fun meeting Laura, Ella and Damian.  
By Jessica, Belinda and Tom

When Damian, Ella and Laura were 8 they made the railway crossing and footpath area safer for children to cross.  They got all the signs made and painted footprints on the path so everyone knows to follow the footprints across the crossing.  This is them in the photo when they were 8.  
By Tom

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful young role-models! I remember them when they were kids - they are good examples of how important it is to have a goal that you can aim for. - Mrs Coyle
