Thursday 17 October 2013

Week 1, Term 4

Wow, we are in our new room and it is awesome.

Ella and Ally were playing in our shop!!!  They think it is

We have been looking for mini-beasts and found lots of
worms under the old wood.  There was an earwig
and a slug under the old newspaper we put down
last term.

On Monday Team Kea had the new go-kart all day and it
was fun.


  1. How exciting to be back in your original room! It looks great. I bet it feels huge! Enjoy having the space to move! Cool go-cart too!

  2. Your new room looks fantastic! It must have taken you quite a long time to get it looking it like that, but it must be so exciting to be in a classroom again. You will really appreciate it.

  3. We think your new room looks awesome and we really want to have the same in our room, that would be cool! It looks like you have lots of storage and space for lots of learning. From Team Tui.

  4. bethany loveridge26 October 2013 at 20:07

